Congress Topics
- Economic Crises
- Real Sector Crises
- Financial Crises
- Banking Crises
- Stock Market Crises
- Currency Crises
- Twin Crises
- Geopolitical Crises
- Global Warming and Climate Change Crises
- Green Transformation
- Sustainable Climate Policy in Tourism
- Ecological Crises
- Energy Crises
- Logistics Crises
- Water Crises
- Health Crises
- Drug Crises
- Economic Reflections of Pandemic Diseases
- The New World Order During the Pandemic and Aftermath
- Circular Economy and Its Impact on International Trade in Response to the Pandemic Crises
- Global Foreign Trade within the Scope of Pandemic Crisis and Protectionist Policies
- Globalization and its Relation to Crises
- Security of Global Trade Routes
- Sustainable Food Security
- Global Value Chains
- Food and Supply Chain Crises
- Central Bank Change After Crises
- Fiscal Policy Change After Crises
- Monetary Policy Change after Crises
- Effects of Global Crises on Digital Transformation in the Economy
- Artificial Intelligence Applications in Crisis Management
- Crises and Cryptocurrency Market Relations
- International Trade and Trade Policies
- Trade and Currency Wars
- Brexit Crises
- Effects of Crises on Underdeveloped Countries
- Regulatory and Supervisory Bodies in Global Crises Management
- International Economic and Financial Institutions in Global Crisis Management
- Sectoral Effects of Global Crises
- Other Topics
- Effect of Crises on Unemployment
- The Impact of Global Crises on Poverty and Income Distribution
- Poverty and Income Distribution Inequality
- Immigration Policies in Times of Crises
- Global Inequalities
- The Relationship between Crises and Social Security
- Impact of Crises on Education
- The Effect of Crises on Psychology
- The Effect of Crises on Social Life
- Social Reflections of Pandemic Diseases
- Other Topics
- International Organizations and New Security Codes
- International Law and Justice
- Russia-Ukraine War
- Political Problems between Greece and Türkiye
- Political Economy of Crises
- Political Imbalances
- Migration Crises
- Uncertainty and Risks
- Crises and Labor Unions
- Regional Conflicts and Crises Management
- Regional Security Approaches
- Terrorism and Security
- Cyber Security and Cyber Wars
- NATO Crises
- United Nations Crises
- Political Repercussions of Pandemic Diseases
- Other Topics